Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Logic of a 4 year old

Yesterday after too much TV...

T: Mom, can I paint?
M: Um, I don't know. (what parent ever really says, "YES, let's paint!" with great enthusiam?)
(long pause while I type)
T: Mom, can I paint? Say yes or no.
M: No.
(long pause without any whining, apparently when a child is thinking she can't whine)
T: Mom, can I paint? Say yes or maybe.
Yep, she won that one for being so dang cute!

In the car while eating a snack of mixed nuts and dried fruit...

T: What's this big thing?
M: It's a dried apple. (I don't have to look, it's the only new thing in the mix)
T: What does it taste like?
M: Like an apple. That one is a little sour because it was a tart apple.
(long pause while I assume she tastes it)
T: Mom, I don't like it.
M: OK. You don't have to eat it.
T: I only like wet apples.

And this conversation I know many of you have had...

T: Mom, I love you.
M: Tasha, I love you two.
T: I love you three.


Bill said...

If we all could think like a 4 year old, we would be much happier and life would be easy!

Monique said...

That is so cute darn cute.