Thursday, April 17, 2008

BouNcING, bOUnCing, B-Ou-n-C-EEEEng

Movement makes me crazy some of the time. It gets under my skin. Even the sound of movement in the next room makes my skin twitch with annoyance. I must have super-sonic-mother-periferial-vision because I can almost feel the movement as it is going on around me. In fact, I could feel Tasha falling off the trampoline in the room next to me before she said, "whoa-oa". I know, you're asking me why do I have a trampoline if movement makes me crazy? Because she'd be jumping on the couch if it wasn't there, duh. It makes me crazy. Oh, but wait, that's in the other room. Let's rewind to 30 minutes ago while I am sitting on the couch trying to read when she jumps from the stool to the tramp, to the other stool, to the couch and she falls and hurts herself. Again. And Again. And, again. But then it comes..."Mom, I did it without falling!" To which I get to congratulate her and pray that she stops trying this feat since she has mastered it. She did.

If only she was in gymnastics. Oh wait, she is, in T minus 4 hours and 30 minutes.

I know, I know, it's determination at work. Try and try and try again until, at last, you succeed. Why does mothering have to be so hard? I won't stiffle her progress, I won't. I will let her be to learn and grow and challenge herself. Self-determination, self-confidence, and pride in one's own abilities should far outweigh the praise from another, shouldn't it?

1 comment:

Monique said...

My kids are bouncers too..why do you think I don't have any new furniture. They jump from the couch to the table to the love seat, create hot lava pits, and bridges out of pillows. While it drives me crazy there is a part of me that gives them an A+ for creativity...although it was much cuter when they were younger.