Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cutting Corners

This morning, as I was primping, Kyra came into the hall outside the bathroom huffing and puffing (mostly out of breath, but with an annoyed look on her face as well). Tasha was in her room and I hadn't heard any screaming so I knew that there had not been a fight. (Yes, this is always my first thought when either of my children come to me in a tither) After questioning I find out that Kyra had been outside and had a race with Harlee. OK. But that doesn't explain why she's a bit upset. So then it comes, Kyra complains, "I would have won but Harlee cut a corner." And, in case you have forgotten, Harlee IS A DOG! Yep, my 9 year old accused the dog of cheating.

I have no idea why we have misunderstandings, tantrums, and fights in this house!?!


Bill said...

Harlee is an esteemed member of our family. She has to follow the rules just like everyone else! Don't let her easy going demeanor fool you, she is as competitive as the rest of us !

Monique said...

LOL, you only have to play by the rules if you lose or are caught cheating, in any other case it is legal to long as no one else knows. Apparently Harlee didn't get that memo.

April said...

I think cheeting is grounds to put that beast to sleep. Who knows what else it's capable of! your pet loving friend, A!

April said...

Ah, crap, that one was not on purpose. I meant cheat!