Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Super Size Me

HAH! Was that the best movie or what?! Who would have thought that a documentary-type movie would be full of such wit, sarcasm, and doctors with personality?! Morgan Spurlook was hilarious and had no shame. That was great. And I LOVE that it made a difference in the world. Six months after the movie came out McD's took the super size off their menu, and now we all see choices at all the fast food restaurants. Not that we should be there at all, but it's nice to know that you can get some sliced apples that have been dipped in something to preserve them, sealed in plastic that will clog our landfills, probably put in storage for a while before they are shipped all over the country before making it into the store where they will eventually make it to our little kids mouths. The best line of the movie goes to one of his doctors. The messy-haired, balding man with the full beard that tried to convince him that he was destroying his liver. At the end of the film when he was to summarize why we should or should not eat fast food he gives a definitive "No" you should not eat it. He states, "There's no reason whatsoever why fast food has to be so disgusting!" I made Bill pause the movie I was laughing so hard. Yep it's disgusting and we'll all agree on that, but why does it have to taste so dog-on-good!

1 comment:

RJ said...

oooh that makes me want to see it. I have been meaning to rent it but haven't yet. Thanks for the reminder!