Every year I enjoy going to the Tempe Symphony Orchestra concert at Gammage. It's free and fabulous. Fabulous meaning they can play and you don't have to worry about people being out of tune and not playing together like you do when you attempt a high school concert. You don't have to dress to the hilt like I think you do when you go to downtown Phoenix, but you could if you wanted to. Since the Orbit came to town, I can now Orbit there from the park and I don't even have to worry about parking (which was apparently a nightmare this year). I also know one of the french horn players, Stacy, who is Bill's friend Larry's sister. I can always spot her because she has big (yet short) hair that is styled or colored differently from year to year. Anyway, towards the end, right before they start to play the seasonally stuff, Dr. Strange (the conductor) turns to the audience and yells out, "now, let the season begin!" It's kind of corny and strange, but hey, I like it. Then they play a medley of Christmas music and then lead us in a sing-a-long that always ends in "We wish you a Merry Christmas." It's a good time and this year my mom went with me. I missed you Sara!
The best part of this night was simply sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the music. We had some funky seats in the balcony but they proved to be just right. I was able to lean my head back on the wall behind me, and put my feet up on the railing (which I'm sure embarrassed my mom). I closed my eyes and just soaked in the music. All my nervous energy vanished as I listened to the first piece move from dawn ,to morning, to afternoon, to evening. Just thinking about it now makes my body melt into the chair. I think I better close up and try to get some rest.
Next year, the first Monday in December, let me know if you want to Orbit over with me. It stinks that it has to be on FHE night, but all their concerts are on Monday nights.
Free concerts are really awesome. And there's more available than the Tempe symphony. Before we had kids, Sara and I had so much fun going to concerts at ASU performed by ASU students and professors.
There was some incredible stuff played and it was usually free.
But local symphonies are awesome. People doing what they love to do for free.
Scott, you'll have to tell me how to find out about the concerts at ASU. They would be fantastic.
At the time it was easy for us to know. Sara had just graduated from ASU's music program and was still working there, so she was in the loop, and we were attending someone's she knew concert/recital numerous times. It was really cool.
But, I don't think its too hard to find out about upcoming events, should be on a ASU website somewhere. I'll talk to Sara.
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