- Sis. Levi smiling when she sings this song. It made me giggle because I don't see her smiling when she conducts very often. Maybe I'm just not usually looking.
- A little CTR 6 girl that always waves wildly as she passes by us and sits a few seats in front of us.
- My husband being a worthy priesthood holder and his friend inviting him to the circle to bless their new baby.
- The sacrament and my opportunity to renew my covenants with my Heavenly Father each and every week.
- Youth speakers who give short talks and look up briefly, probably because their mom told them to or they learned it at school.
- A talk on obedience. "I will go, I will do, the things the Lord commands." I'm back in that place, after a short sabbatical.
- Colored pencils. They don't mark on beautiful dresses like markers do.
- Sweet babies reaching over the pew to pull on my shoe.
- Funny toddlers laying on the floor and eating a gummy that I believe had been there at least a week. (I didn't tell his momma)
- Standing to sing a patriotic song. I giggled again. What's wrong with me?!
- Bishop Randall and his awesomeness. (If that is not a word, it should be and it would list him as an example.) Ask and ye shall receive: I asked him for a copy of his talk and he emailed it to me. I'll get to that tomorrow morning.
- Email and working computers. (we only have one that works, but I like it)
- Talks that bring it all together and make a lot of sense, at least to me. I must have a youth mind, because Duclos is in charge of the young men now and this is the first time that what he's said has really hit home with me.
- 16 cable channels.
- Movies.
- My husband realizing that the grin on my face has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that "da Bears" just got a first down because although I was looking at the TV, I wasn't actually watching it.
- Fresh pinto beans that actually get soft once they are cooked.
- A daughter that can follow a recipe for cornbread and has almost mastered the cleaning up part as well. Yum.
- Sad 4 year olds that actually let them hold you when they are upset.
- Christmas trees with twinkle lights.
- Dishwashers and the "dish fairy" that comes and empties the dishwasher.
- Harry Connick Jr. He is just plain talented. How can I possibly know it's his song just by the introductory instrumentals? Nice voice, and not too bad to look at either.
- Cheerful people that dot their i's with little hearts.
- The temple. (so sad that it will be closed for 2 weeks, what will I do?!)
- Temple lights. Who wants to go?!
- Blackberry pie... even though I haven't had a slice. I'd like it heated with real vanilla ice cream, on the side.
- Choir practice, directors, songs I can sing, sectional practice, and fun. I got the giggles again! It must be something about the music.
- Tithing.
- Bishopric.
- Cell phones.
- Good friends.
- Resurrection.
- Christ's birth.
- Forgiveness.
- Repentance.
- Prayer.
- Faith.
- New York.
- Tempe.
- Family, my mom especially.
- Old people.
- Young people.
- "In between people."
- Sleeping babies that sleep on me even though I'm not their mom.
- Relief Society.
- Primary.
- Fun service projects and making plans to get together with friends to sew, sew, sew.
- A husband that realizes that you are at your wits end, sends you off to choir practice an hour early, lets you come home an hour late, AND makes you a pizza-dilla for dinner.
- Snoopy.
- Sleeping children.
I'm gonna stop here though because this is just getting out of hand. Count your own blessings, it will put a smile on your face, and might give you the giggles!