Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Difference a Week Makes

This time last week: I could be found sitting in this same chair, in my pj's, picking lice of our little children's hair. My neck would be aching, I was cranky, and I had probably yelled at both my kids already. The kids were probably hungry but there was nothing good to eat since I had not been to the store and could not find an ounce of energy to be creative in the "let's find something to eat" department. My mom had fed me 3 meals already that week (bless her heart) and the thought of making, planning, or cooking was last on my list of survival skills. If none of this had happened, then you could find me in bed, avoiding all of the above.

Now this week, this day: I've been up (happily) since 4 am, done some serious scripture study (not the kind where you read the chapter to say you've done it), emailed and blogged (both read and typed), been to the gym (1/2 hour on the bike), showered, make-up, Tasha is ready and waiting for the bus, and I'm ready to get going as soon as I do my hair. I'm debating going to the temple to do some initiatories or going to Costco since Tasha said she didn't want to go with me. I imagine if I hurry I could do them both. The prospect of shopping does not overwhelm me and I am looking forward to cooking some meat to freeze for future meals.

So what's the difference?

No lice + No sugar = No neck pains + No headaches

Life is good again.


Crystal said...

I envy you.

Pam said...

I'm glad your a happy camper! What gym are you going to?