Monday, June 2, 2008

April and I were headed home from the State Capital fiasco (a fiasco because we didn't get a quarter OR free ice cream!) with 4 children in the car. Tyler and Kyra were in the middle seat and Justin and Tasha were in the "back-back". There was a lot of giggling, thunking noises, singing, and general merriment going on. Occasionally there was squeal, sometimes it was in pain, and once (as we were looking for a parking space) it was for real but was deflected by the promise of ice cream.

Deep in conversation, April and I were interrupted by Tasha who was horrified and yelled, "Mo-om, Justin's going to kiss me!"

I looked in the rear view mirror to see Tasha's arms stretched out to push Justin away, and Justin sitting back in his car seat looking quite innocent. Kyra was quick to clarify and tell us that Justin hurt Tasha some how and was going to kiss her owie to make it all better.

Then came the retort that every parent wants to hear her daughter say, "Justin, I just don't want you kissing me!" It was clear, concise, and to the point. There is just no messing with Tasha.


The Turley Times said...

Well then, I'm glad I didn't drive all the way down there to be disappointed! It never ceases to amaze me how different all of our children are, and I'm glad yours knows how to be "clear, concise, and to the point." Wish I were better at that sometimes!

Monique said...

Hmm, that is what she says now....LOL

Bill said...

Easy Monique, That is what she says now because she has been well coached! Next time, its a punch in the nose! That's my girl...