Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sugar High

What was I thinking buying a gigantic bag of brown sugar? Oh, I know. I was competing with the gigantic gallon of corn syrup Bill bought 2 years ago. Why all this brown sugar and corn syrup you ask? Well, we like to make caramel corn at Christmas time. It's cheap, it's easy, it's quick, and everyone can help. Plus, there's that really cool part when you add the baking powder and the sugary mix starts to explode out of the pan.

So we made 3 batches this evening and ran out of salt. Who runs out of salt?! Oh, that would be someone who has neglected their food storage from 8 years ago. The good thing is it took me 8 years to get through my year supply of salt. Hmm, guess I didn't calculate that one too well.

Two weeks ago we made 3 batches before running out of vanilla. What the heck? Who runs out of vanilla?! Not me. Maybe this caramel corn just isn't supposed to be made. We certainly don't need any of it in our house. Yum, but so bad for us.

So what should I do with all this brown sugar?! That's 12 cups that I've used and I can't really see a dent. Suggestions anyone? I have a yummy recipe for "Ice cream cone cookies" but you have to roll and cut. Bring your cutters and some flour and we'll have at it, I have no interest in doing that by myself!

SOOOOOOOOOOO, come one, come all to my house with a box, bag, or tin to fill with some caramel corn! I made it with fake butter so "glairegs" are welcome. :)

1 comment:

Monique said...

Um, I have been meaning to do a drive by when I read this post the first time...if you still have caramel corn then save me some. I will take a hunk of yer hands. :) Let me know when to pick it up!