Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"That's Why You Need Sisters!"

A very fine lady said this to me last week. It was said in that most helpful way to suggest that sisters are there to take care of you when nobody else can figure out what you need or want. How sweet. Is that really the case? I wouldn't know, I only have a brother. Brothers are good and fun to harass and joke around with. They can be kind when you need them to be, give good advice, and have a sympathetic arm or shoulder for support during hard times. I guess sisters are different. Sisters do it all.

So, thank you, dear sisters. You know who you are and you know what you've done! I won't even try to list the kindness and help that you have given me this last week because I would fall very shy of including everyone. I feel very blessed and fortunate. I'm also probably glad that I didn't have to grow up with all of you sharing clothes and a bathroom and fighting. This is the best of both worlds, and I hope I can repay the favors once I'm back to 'normal'.

I love you all!!!

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