Bill went to the grocery store for me today, with the girls. We were desperate for food in this house, as we were eating up every last crumb in the fridge. (minus the stuff that had gotten moldy and gross during our hospital stint) I was in the shower when he got home and he was able to unload and put everything away before I was finished. (I like me a nice, long shower, what can I say?!) Some of the items on the grocery list Bill had deemed "Costco worthy", so he yelled through the door that he would be going to Costco next. OK, whatever floats your boat my dear!
I get out to find these flowers on the counter. Sweet, right? Yes, they are. Carnations are clearly the yummiest smelling flowers that there are and Bill knows that. I like to stick my nose in them and just soak up the aroma. I joke about nibbling the petals, just like I nibble my little kid's toes when they are fresh out of the shower. Sooo... along with the flowers is a note that reads, "DO NOT EAT!" Funny babe, really, really funny.
Your husband may be a riot...but that is super sweet. Awwww...
Flowers just because? He is definitly a keeper! But you knew that already...
Bill's awesome. He's one of those men I marvel at when I'm at Costco, the ones who look like they know exactly what they're doing, without their wives there with them.
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