Sunday, April 24, 2011

An Easter Thought

There is a blog called "project mayhem" that I tune into when the subject and writing seems interesting enough. This evening I saw that this man gave an Easter Sermon and posted it on his blog. He starts off with Mel Gibson, Braveheart, and The Passion of the Christ. Interesting beginning, and I felt it was worth the whole read if you want to check it out here. But here are his words in conclusion that hit spot on as I think about what our life here on earth is all about; growing closer to Christ:

"As the cross shows—as Christ on the cross shows us—the true love of Christ is not always easy, and it is not always rewarded. It is a love that can make us vulnerable and uncomfortable. I do not believe that it necessarily requires us to put ourselves at risk as others have...In fact Apostle Paul warns us not to do more than we are safely able. However it does require us to extend our selves, to reach out, and to speak out in ways that may be new and uncomfortable.Just as the cross on Calvary points back to the life of Christ, it also points forward to the resurrection—in both the literal body of Christ (which announces or literal resurrection) and the figurative body of Christ, which calls for us to continue that which Christ was doing. Pilate and the Jewish elite thought that by ending Jesus’s life that they would end what he had started. His resurrection signified that they could not end it, and the growing body of Christ showed that they did not. It is for this reason that we are not asked to look upon the cross, but are called to take upon the cross as well. As Christ taught, “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Mk 8:34)

On this Easter—and in every day—as we reflect upon the cross of Calvary. May we think about the sacrificial life of Jesus Christ and how we might join, follow, and emulate our Savior. As we rise up as the body of Christ, let us extend ourselves beyond our comfort zone to reach out to those who need some lifting up. Let us extend our love, help, and our means to the homeless, the mentally ill, and the struggling drug addicts. Let us open our hearts and friendships to the strangers and those who are different—to people of different faiths or no faith at all, to immigrants and persons of different races and nationalities, and to our gay, lesbian, and transgendered brothers and sisters. Let us forgive those who have hurt us and stand up for those who have been hurt.We are called to be saviors on mount Zion. We are called to not just be like Christ, but to be a Christ to others. So let us take up the cross and be saviors to those who are in need, for “whosoever doeth this shall be found at the right hand of God, for he shall know the name by which he is called; for he shall be called by the name of Christ” (Mosiah 5:9). "

Well, I couldn't have said it better myself, so I won't. I realize some of these things may be harder than others to do, but we all have to start somewhere. I have a hard time thinking about Christ's crucifixion without tears welling up in my eyes and heart, so I will continue to think about taking up the cross and helping those in need, reaching out, and being uncomfortable as I look for hope in the future and move forward with faith.

1 comment:

Jaylee Draney said...

I didn't read any of your post. Just wanted to say hi.