Monday, February 7, 2011

Obsessed with "Tash"

Sittin' on a trash can.

Above is how PT spent his first 15-20 minutes at the park... picking up and looking for trash to throw away. He found: a fork, a wrapper, 2 separate orange peels, and my BK bag. It was hard to convince him to put the orange peel into the bag and then wait to throw it away later, but it worked. Once. For a little while. With a LOT of convincing. I don't want to spend my whole morning lifting him up to throw away every piece of trash! I came to the park so he could play and I could read my book.
Oh, well. I finally decided to embrace the cuteness of this little boy and his need to tidy up the playground and take care of the trash. It's quite cute when he looks up to me with a bit of garbage in his hand and asks to throw it out. It all started with is stinky diapers and has morphed from, "da?" to "da-ih?" to "dosh?" to finally, "tash?" Sweet, sweet trash boy. I will continue to encourage this behavior in an effort to make a fine husband of you someday. Your wife will thank me later.


Monique said...
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Monique said...

Environmentalist already! PT, saving the world one piece of trash at a time! :)

I deleted my other post because I said on instead of one...LOL.

Bill said...

He's nothing but a trash boy ! Just like his father...

April said...

Yes, his wife will thank you. Just make sure he's not too obsessed with the forcing you to bring it home all the time. Grrr.

Monique said...

April...You made me laugh. That sounds like me...when I go to a party I try to bring home everything recyclable because we are the only ones with recycling. At the last party I brought home all the left over water bottles that were half drunk and watered my plants with them. LOL ;)

H said...

Ryan and Monique... saving the planet, one party at a time. (much to their spouses chagrin.